PMTC Section

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission

MCH (Mother-Child Health Clinic)

Above all, we give Health education to these mothers when they come for their scheduled clinic visits, and the topics discussed include:

Importance of Breastfeeding, good adherence, the importance of immunization, importance of family planning.

We also offer a cooking lessons to our mothers especially the ones with nutrition needs. Also services such as HIV Testing for Non-Reactive mothers who came for immunization services and also partner testing.

ANC (Anti-natal Clinic)

This is a preventive of mother to child transmission of HIV in Kenya an estimate of being infected with HIV annually due to infection mothers child transmission. This can occur in the uterus, during labor, delivery, and through breastfeeding. Adherence must be done for the safe delivery, danger signs show to demonstrations on baby medication, birth plans.

Mentor Mother

It is her role to ensure that all information relevant in the prevention of mothers to child transmission is clear to all mothers which include:

  • Disclosure of her status to her sex partners & Adherence to treatment.
  • Safer sex, Antenatal care, family planning, safe delivery, nutrition, and baby's medication, also exclusive breastfeeding for six months.